Saturday, November 11, 2006

Grace for our journey

When will we be there? Is it much further? Oh yes how long still, how many more minutes or hours? Often we get tired, tired quickly of the troubles that crowd us, tired of the trouble of this world. Yet what is suffering for "a little while" in anticipation of the glory that is to follow?
"A little while! Compare it with the eternal years, with the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, with the compensation that awaits us.
My friends, there is a limitation to our suffering. It is only for a little while, but every moment has been fixed by the immutable purpose and love of God. We shall not suffer one moment more than is absolutely necessary for our perfecting of God's glory, and for every moment there is an ample supply of grace.
What a banquet that will be when God will satisfy the expectation of those whom He has called to partake of it! And the suffering is being used in ways we cannot understand in perfecting, establishing and strengthening us. God brings forth His hosts in the day of battle. It is not so much of an affliction as of the love of Christ, and the blessedness of being like Him and with Him forever.
Arriving at our destination, the memories of pain and fatigue along the journey quickly fade. My friends, we have a destination worth the cost of any trip. "Eternal Glory" is the name engraved above the gate. And it is one way journey we will never forget!


gail said...

Thank you Longsuffering for that reminder that whatever trial we are in God's grace can sustain us.

I can testify that His grace is enough for every thing that I have encountered so far in this life and I have been through many trials!!!

Bless you heeps as you serve and love Jesus.

longsuffering said...

Thnks for visiting me. Have been encouraged by your postings.
Have blessed days ahead of you.