Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Rainbow - A Picture of Peace, the Emblem of Mercy

I have not been writing, not because I have been busy but it was the time of the dry season in this period of time. Praise God, after prayer meeting tonight I was much lifted up a I was reading this passage in Revelation 4 especially verse 3 "He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like a emerald."
The sky that was dark and sinister with rain clouds boiling and thunder rolling. Suddenly a thin ray of light appear, then another and yet another.As the rain ends, the sun breaks through and the dark clouds melt. A shimmering rainbow appear, heralding fair weather and hope. How wonderful!
The rainbow was probably designed to be symbolic s well as beautiful. From its own nature and associations, t has always been an emblem of peace. It contrasts beautifully with the tempest that has just been raging. If the rain has been gentle, the leaves and flowers would appear clothed with new beauty, if the storm has rages violently, the rainbow is a pledge that the war of the elements has creased.
Oh yes, therefore the rainbow around the throne is a beautiful emblem of the mercy of God and of the peace that is to pervade the world as the result of the events disclosed to John in his vision. True, there were lightnings and thundering and voices, but there the rainbow abode calmly above them all, assuring us that here was to be mercy and peace.
We can count on it. Life will have its share of lightning and thunder, many things will be washed out,tragedy and sorrow will touch every life. But this too is a fact that we can count on. For the child of God there will surely be a calm after the storm that makes the storm pale by comparison. So take hear. The rainbow in the clouds is a divine reminder from God that all is under control. As God's own dear child, look to the day when we will see God's heavenly rainbow emerge to signal the peaceful reign of Christ and the fulfillment of all His promises.
Praise Him for His faithfulness to His promises and His people yesterday, today and forever.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Transcending Time, Touching Eternity

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8)
It always happen that some people are never around when we need them.When help or encouragement is needed their phone is out of order. But you can never say of the Lord, yes by His own testimony to the apostle John, He has always been with His people in the past, is with them now, and will stay ever faithful in the future.
Although we human being finds ourselves trapped by time, Jesus Christ has time in His hand. This is done by the every action taken at the Cross 2000 years ago. Whoever offered a sacrifice and while doing so, remembered the true Lamb, who was slain for the sins of the world, was saved through faith in the Christ who would come. Whoever did not do this was not saved, even though he had a thousand oxen to sacrifice.
There is only one and the same salvation from Adam to Abel onward; it is the same salvation we have. It continued until Jesus Christ Himself come. But now, of course, it is no longer faith in the future Christ but in the Present One. The teaching has been one and the same from the beginning of the world and shall remain so until the end of the world. There has at all times been one and the same Christ, a Christ who is in the past, present and future - the One " who is, and who was, and who is to come."
Yes to the the future, Christ reaches eternally in both directions. Yet He also find time to be an "ever present help in trouble." That is a comforting thought when present circumstances are difficult and the future looks bleak. He whom time cannot change has all the time in the world to watch over us ........ yesterday, today and tomorrow. Bless you and have wonderful time enjoying His presence and His fresh touch this weekend, I pray.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Time for a Test

Reflecting on the issue on why must I be in church? It can only be us, our relationship and attitude toward God, toward His Word and how deep is our love for Him. Is there a lesson to learn here, yes...yes..yes! A time of testing, definitely yes and without doubt.Then testing of what? Testing our spiritual experience against the timeless standard of God's Word, I believe. This is another exam we cannot effort to miss, the test to help us distinguish between false spirit holding onto to us, the evil spirit around us and God 's Spirit. "Dear friend, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God." (1 John 4:1)
"The seeker after God's best is always eager to hear from anyone who offers a way by which he can obtain it." Yes how we long for some new experience, some elevated view of truth, some operation of the Spirit that will raise us above the religious mediocrity we see all around us. So we make excuses and seek it everywhere except in Him and with Him. Our Lord has made it plain not only that there shall be false "spirits" abroad, endangering our Christian lives, but that they may be identified and known for what they are!
The first test must be: "What has this done to my relationship with and my attitude toward the Lord Jesus Christ? Do I love God more? Is Jesus Christ still to me the centre of all true doctrine?
Again: "How does it affect my attitude toward the Scriptures? Did this new view of truth spring from the Word of God itself or was it the result of some stimulus that lay outside the Bible? Be assured that anything that comes to us from the God of the Word will deepen our love for the Word of God!"
O my prayer for those out there who asking the question"Why church?" is "Father, now is a good time to test ourselves and see if we are growing in our walk with YOU. May we find a deeper love for YOU, Father: Amen."