Friday, January 05, 2007

Coming to God in Prayer.

This is the vision and direction of what God has set for me and the church for this year....PRAYER.
With this in mind I went back to dwell on "the Lord's prayer" so as to give me a better insight on prayer. "This, then, I show you should pray, "Our Father in heaven" (Matthew 6:9).
A familiar prayer and most of us would even know and repeat it with ease but.....but it can sometimes become tasteless substitutes for an unmotivated heart. It is more than a formula but a patten set and model for us to have our own time talking with our heavenly Father.
This prayer covers all matters and affairs.The first three petitions ask for such grand and heavenly blessings that no heart can ever exhaust their meaning. The fourth petition presents as in one little package, all the interest of state and home; all bodily and temporal need. The sixth petition combats the Devil and his temptation to sin.
Truly, this prayer was made by a wise Man, more than wise but our Lord and Saviour,whom no one can imitate, for the Lord has composed the Prayer for us in this compact manner and has included in it every need that may arise.
He puts into our mouths the very manner and matter of the prayer which He wants us to offer, so that we may see how He is concerned about our need, and may never doubts that this prayer is pleasing to Him and will certainly be answered.
If prayer has become a tedious chore in our walk with God, perhaps we have lost sight of ............
- the object of prayer ("Our Father in heaven")
- the privilege of prayer ("Hallowed be your name")
- the power of prayer ("your kingdom come")
- the provision of prayer ( "Give us this day our daily bread")
- the protection of prayer ("Deliver us from the evil one").
There is only one thing left to do..............PRAY!.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. Lord, give us a heart for prayer!
God bless
Maria in the UK

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome revelation! Prayer is a key to open the heavens, brother you have a key! Thank you Holy Spirit!

Many blessings....


longsuffering said...

Maria and Diana,
Thanks indeed it was crying and knowing how to depend on HIM totally that we saw the breakthrough for the struggle in our pioneering situation. Start the year with this challange on prayer and the first prayer meeting of the year saw 65% attendance. Praise the Lord! Now ito keep the fire burning in them to pray. Bless you guys.