Waiting, watching, working that is how life spins around us. Have been waiting quite a lot lately. Waiting for help, waiting till my ship finds its course or even comes in, waiting for sympathy, waiting for a friend without whose presence there seems to be nobody on the face of the earth. Waiting..........waiting!!!!!
There are two types of waiting: waiting because we have to, and waiting because we want to. The story about the people around the pool at Bethesda waited because they had to, they needed to bathe in the healing waters. One man had waited years to be healed. But when approached by Jesus, the man found himself being asked,"Do you want to be made well." These folks were all waiting, groaning, sighing. A sigh was a prayer, a groan was an entreaty, a cry of distress was a supplication.
This world is a hospital. The person who is in the most robust health today may be struck before the setting of the sun with a fatal disease. Only this week I received three tragic news, the sister of my former cell member has only a month to live says her doctor, a friend only 45 years old while driving had a heart attack and knock down two people, they are in critical condition as he is. Another former cell member was knock down by a motor cycle and is warded with a broken collar bone and eight fractured ribs. In the midst of life we are facing death.
"Life is a perpetual crisis; it can snapped at any moment." But blessed is that servant who shall be found waiting, watching and working when the Lord comes.
How then do I wait? Does waiting means patience, hope, contentment, assurance that God will redeem His promises and make the heart strong; or is it fretfulness, impatience, distrust and complaining, this kind of waiting wears out the soul.
O God, my Father teach me what it means to wait on You for my every need. You have promised to provide in Your time. Guard my heart from fretfulness and complaining, and make my heart strong to hope. Please take courage if you are trotting along this path like me, that one man who waited was healed so can we no matter what the situation is. God bless.
Hi, me a frustrated Christian.
Hi faith, nice to hear from you,thanks and take care.
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